Monday, April 19, 2010

n0tes :)

first n0te :

"In the c0okie of life, U are the ch0c0late chip that make life sweet, surprising & yummy .. thanks f0r being that yummy ch0c0late chip"

sec0nd n0te :

"klu 1ari awk nk mngis, bgtaw x janji nk wt awk tsnyum,tp sye bleh mngis bsme awk..klu 1ari awk ade mslh,bgtau x jnji nk bg awk pnylsainny,tp awk blh k0nsi dgn sy..klu 1ari awk mhu brjln pg,bgtau sy,sy xjnji utk halngawk pg,tp sy bleh jln bsame awk..klu 1ari awk prlukan s0rg untk mndngr cte awk,bgtau sy,sy jnji akn ad utk mndgrny.."

third n0te :

"kirenye tempias membasahi jendelamu,itulah air mataku mengingatimu, tanpamu sedari ada darah d jarimu, itulah sesuatu terjadi pdaku, andainye kau terbatuk,itulah tandanye aku t'mimpikanmu, andainye kau tersedar tika AL-QURAN m'dayu di subuh sunyi,itulah tndanye aku pergi dahulu sebelummu......"

f0urth n0te :

"h0pe si the magic ingredient in m0tivating y0urself and 0ther"

fifth n0te :

"smsa kmu xbg kabar brita, sy prnh terfikir utk bunuh diri.. sy gnakn TAUHU utk KETUK KEPALA sy, pkai C0TT0N BUD P0T0NG NADI, B0NCENG BASIKAL & lggr DAUN P0K0K, mnum VITAMIN dgn GEL0J0H, TERJUN BANGUNAN dgn PAYUNG TERJUN..lihatlah betapa pentingnya kmu dlm hidup sye..!! hehe ."

sixth n0te :

"stressed studying? read this t0ngue twister l0udly...
1) wish t0 wish the wish y0u wish t0 wih, but if y0u wish the wish the witch wishes, i w0nt wish the wish the wish y0u wish t0 wish ..
2) h0w many c0okies c0uld a g0od c0ok c0ok if a g0od c0ok c0uld c0ok c0okies? A g0od c0ok c0ould c0ok as much c0okies as a g0od c0ok wh0 c0uld c0okies...
Bce kuat2!!..hehe.."

seventh n0te :

"~0nce in a lifetime u find a fren wh0 t0uches n0t 0nly ur heart but als0 ur s0ul. :P
~0nce in a lifetime u disc0ver s0me0ne wh0 stands beside u, n0t 0ver u .. :D
~0nce in a lifetime if u are lucky, u find s0me0ne as i have f0und u.. ;)
~very special pe0ple,we can 0urselves with,laugh with,h0pe with and believe with. :)