Thursday, April 29, 2010

BEL 260 :D

miss nadiah bt rodzali
thanks f0r everything that u did f0r us . lo0ks like n0thing . but it really meaningful t0 us . we always l0ve 0ur BEL lecture 0ther than any 0thers lect . why ? hurrmm . maybe BEL lect m0re sp0rting . in malay w0rds "semp0i laa" . haha . even y0u kinda weird sumtime . but alm0st 0ur time t0gether we enj0y it right ? hehe .

during 0ur last class u br0ught us meal . haha . s0 l0vely . y0u br0ught us pizza . even in small size . n0t en0ugh laa miss ! haha . but nevermind . we appreciate it s0o much . yeahh miss ! we trying t0 sc0re A+ f0r y0ur subject 0kea ! hehe . wishh us luck . as f0r me and nadia . we ap0l0gise f0r our mistake miss . we kn0w we are the tw0 gurl that always playing in class . came late . make a n0ise . and escape class . huhu . we are s0rry miss . hehe .

>>wahh ! ta suke ! ta suke ! lebih lebih plak die tuhh . pdahal tumpang jehh . arghh!