Friday, April 30, 2010

naa share laa :)

pers0n in blue baju kurung is my aunty . she's my fav0urite aunty . i call her "m.tam" . seri0usly she's like my sec0nd m0ther . why ? she t0ok a g0od care 0f me while i'm here . she als0 take a g0od care 0f my family n0w . she's the 0ne wh0 supp0rt me . in any c0nditi0ns . remember ! any c0nditi0ns ! i l0ve her s0o much . s0o much . with0ut her maybe i'm n0t in UiTM anym0re . with0ut her maybe i c0uld n0t further my c0urse . with0ut her maybe my sister c0uld n0t c0ntinue study . with0ut her maybe we cant g0 anywhere . there's a l0t 0f "with0ut her maybe .... " . sh0uld i say it ? let it be secret f0r my family .

she delievered me that ph0t0 s0 i can m0tivated myself . yes its true . and n0w i have m0tivated myself . i wanna be like her . can i ? she's a g0od m0ther . she's a g0od w0rker . she's a g0od daughter . she's a g0od wife . she's g0od in everything she d0ne . 0uhh g0d ! she's s0 perfect . i d0 l0ve her s0o much .

>>gambar tu mase die dpt Excellent Academic Achievement Award in Bank Negara . she had finished her master .

Thursday, April 29, 2010

kesengalan terampau :D

nh ade laa 0ne 0f precauti0ns step yg kite harus ik0t . sebel0m exam laa .

pic nh baru aku perasan yg aku nh mcm ank cine laa . c0mplete nan jerawat kt dagu . aiyaak ! huhu . pnah tgk cter hindustan phir bhi dil ha hindustani taa ? yg ade ajay bakshi ? muke aku cm tina partner die tuh . haha . naa jgak .

nh sume gara gara asilah yg pinjm kan lapt0p die kt aku . bhahaha . maen maen webcam die l0rhh . klakar k0t . ade satu pic tuh muke aku cm panda . mate bulad cm panda . anyway thanx t0 asilah laa . huhu .

BEL 260 :D

miss nadiah bt rodzali
thanks f0r everything that u did f0r us . lo0ks like n0thing . but it really meaningful t0 us . we always l0ve 0ur BEL lecture 0ther than any 0thers lect . why ? hurrmm . maybe BEL lect m0re sp0rting . in malay w0rds "semp0i laa" . haha . even y0u kinda weird sumtime . but alm0st 0ur time t0gether we enj0y it right ? hehe .

during 0ur last class u br0ught us meal . haha . s0 l0vely . y0u br0ught us pizza . even in small size . n0t en0ugh laa miss ! haha . but nevermind . we appreciate it s0o much . yeahh miss ! we trying t0 sc0re A+ f0r y0ur subject 0kea ! hehe . wishh us luck . as f0r me and nadia . we ap0l0gise f0r our mistake miss . we kn0w we are the tw0 gurl that always playing in class . came late . make a n0ise . and escape class . huhu . we are s0rry miss . hehe .

>>wahh ! ta suke ! ta suke ! lebih lebih plak die tuhh . pdahal tumpang jehh . arghh!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

tagged l0rh tagged :D

saye melakukan ini ketika ym bersama mr b0b0

5 name that people call you :
> mahirah
> m0na
> bubu
> al0ng
> m0nacekbam

5 things that you done yesterday :
> text nan b0b0
> unline unline
> tid0w
> nangis
> makan nasi lemak

5 importants dates in your life :
> 28 JUN , mine laa
> 09 JANUARI, abah
> 19 MAC , ibu
> 01 SEPT , mara
> 08 OKT , sara

5 favourites movie :
> taa de laa . daa lame gler taa tgk m0vie . hee

5 ways to be happy :
> stay al0ne by myself
> wc nan makcek
> 0ncall with b0b0
> lepak nan classmates l0rh
> listening music meyh

5 favourite hobbies :
> tid0w
> unline unline
> listening music laa
> dreaming
> laughing

5 reasons you answer the survey :
> kerana my name is 0n the top list 0f makcek tagged
> macam beshh
> smentare tunggu b0b0 ym
> sambil tunggu pak ad dtg
> saye suke tag tag nh

5 favourite peoples :
> NUR FAIQAH BT MISKAT @ makcek (memahami saye)

5 persons to tag :
> taa kesah sape sape . tp yg penting mesti makcek dan nadhirah

Thursday, April 22, 2010

tagged by cik Nadhirah yaww :D

USING ONLY ONE WORD! It's not as easy as you might think! Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It's really hard to only use one word answers. Be sure to tag the person you received it from!

Where is your cell phone?

Your hair?

Your mother?

Your father?

Your favorite place?

Your dream last night?

Your favorite drink?

What room you are in?

Your hobby?

Your fear?

Where do you want to be in 6 years?

Where were you last night?


Wish list item?

Where you grew up?

Last thing you did?

What are you wearing?

Your TV?
n0 !

Your pet(s)?
tidak !


Your life?

Your mood?

Missing someone?
yes !


Something you're not wearing?

Your favorite store?

Your favorite color?
itamputih (b0ley laa kan)

When is the last time you laughed?

Last time you cried?

Who will resend this?

One place that I go to over and over?

One person who emails me regularly?

nadhirah !
faiqah !

>>nad nh . sgt kejam w0o . naseb sempat .

taa dikenali :?

ade satu n0 bru masuk . tetibe jehh . n0 maxis plak tuhh . haha . mlas aku naa lyan lebih lebih . lantak ka0 laa .

0173016271 : How was the day ?
01764***** : Wh0se dis ?
0173016271 : Long time no see.
01764***** : who are y0u ?
0173016271 : tkn x kenal kite dah lama kenal uu study kt uitm yg slalu main sms tu
01764***** : wah . sape nh ?
0173016271 : pikir pikirkan lah yang selalu jaga awak di umah

last smpai situ jehh . daa mlas aku naa lyan . walau siape pun ka0 . thanx laa ingt kt aku . haha :D

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

busuk ! :P

busuk taa bt0l . busuk saket yee ? np taa btaw awl awl busuk . taa ape laa busuk . sye jage busuk yee . busuk suke kann ? nway . gudluck utk busuk . s0k busuk ade exam mikr0ek0n0mi kann . jgn d0wn cm CTU td taw . busuk bley wat pnye . chaiy0k busuk ! hehe . sye teman busuk 0kea . haha . ade ke busuk s0h nyanyi lagu tuhh . busuk . i taa reti nyanyi . s0re taa sdap . huhu . da laa . naa teman busukk ! haha .

You know you love me
I know you care
Just shout whenever,
And I'll be there
You want my love
You want my heart
And we would never, ever, ever be apart

nyte busuk ! :D

rara gile :P

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

maki :(

perghh . taa pasal pasal aku kne maki ann . dgn satu budak maverix nh . adruce name die . cter die kecik jeh . aku add ym die . aku taa smpat agy naa say thanx . tetibe die d0k maki maki . die d0k mara sbb aku add tp taa tg0r die . bnde tuh pun jadi hal ke weyh ? kan daa kuar maki maki dari aku . taa psal psal aku jd h0t tempered laa . tuh laa perbualan aku nan die . b0d0h ann .

pastuh aku pun delete ar die dr fwenz aku . tetibe die wat prangai pelik plak . naa taw . tg ar yg nh . aduhaii . taa pham aku die nh .

kami siap brwebcam agy . tp cm bese laa . aku taa dpt view die . lantak die laa . ksh ape aku . aku cume pelik . dlm duniaa nh ade gak ke 0rg cm tuh ? hurmmm . kesimpulan kt cni . jgn laa ksar sgt bile naa kwn tuhh . taa susah pun law ka0 s0pan santun . aduhaii . haarap aku taa mcm nh . dan kwn kawn aku taa cm nh . huhu .

pertemuan :)

wahh . hampir lupe pada keser0n0kan yg taa dpt dilupekan . huhu . bley plak cm tuh . naa taw ape . akhir nye aku jmpe jgk nan apis | creat0r zipp0 tuhh . haha . taa sangke plak . unexpected ! haha . tp siyes d0wh besh gler . ade ecam skali . tp ecam agak ting-t0ng sket . haha . apis 0uh apis . naseb taa snap pic mlm tuh . daa mcm rugi plak ann . nway . fun k0tt nan di0wg . haha . ily laa apis nan ecam . hehe :)

nnt kite lepak agy eh apis nan ecam . i'm g0nna mish the m0ment ms k0wunk kc0w m0na dgn kucing tuh :)

0ffered :(

why it must be swasta ? why d0nt kerajaan ? huhu . siyesly in sad n0w . 0uhh g0d . i g0t tw0 0ffered in nursing . but b0th 0f them are swasta . h0wc0uld it be ? can y0u change it g0d ? 0uhh ibu .

t0 april :)

heyy bufday gurl . t0day 20 APRIL rye ? ur bufday . since last nyte naa wish . tp taa taw num laa . huhu . sbb dlm bas laa mlm td . s0wi dear . btw syg .

>>epy bufday my gurl .
>>n0w getting 0lder ryte ? s0 be a gud gurl .
>>study hard . jgn maen maen jehh .
>>jgn manje sgt syg . awk tuh daa besar .
>>lastly . ily laa syg .

kaka taa taw na bg ape laa syg . huhu . syg naa ape ?

Monday, April 19, 2010

n0tes :)

first n0te :

"In the c0okie of life, U are the ch0c0late chip that make life sweet, surprising & yummy .. thanks f0r being that yummy ch0c0late chip"

sec0nd n0te :

"klu 1ari awk nk mngis, bgtaw x janji nk wt awk tsnyum,tp sye bleh mngis bsme awk..klu 1ari awk ade mslh,bgtau x jnji nk bg awk pnylsainny,tp awk blh k0nsi dgn sy..klu 1ari awk mhu brjln pg,bgtau sy,sy xjnji utk halngawk pg,tp sy bleh jln bsame awk..klu 1ari awk prlukan s0rg untk mndngr cte awk,bgtau sy,sy jnji akn ad utk mndgrny.."

third n0te :

"kirenye tempias membasahi jendelamu,itulah air mataku mengingatimu, tanpamu sedari ada darah d jarimu, itulah sesuatu terjadi pdaku, andainye kau terbatuk,itulah tandanye aku t'mimpikanmu, andainye kau tersedar tika AL-QURAN m'dayu di subuh sunyi,itulah tndanye aku pergi dahulu sebelummu......"

f0urth n0te :

"h0pe si the magic ingredient in m0tivating y0urself and 0ther"

fifth n0te :

"smsa kmu xbg kabar brita, sy prnh terfikir utk bunuh diri.. sy gnakn TAUHU utk KETUK KEPALA sy, pkai C0TT0N BUD P0T0NG NADI, B0NCENG BASIKAL & lggr DAUN P0K0K, mnum VITAMIN dgn GEL0J0H, TERJUN BANGUNAN dgn PAYUNG TERJUN..lihatlah betapa pentingnya kmu dlm hidup sye..!! hehe ."

sixth n0te :

"stressed studying? read this t0ngue twister l0udly...
1) wish t0 wish the wish y0u wish t0 wih, but if y0u wish the wish the witch wishes, i w0nt wish the wish the wish y0u wish t0 wish ..
2) h0w many c0okies c0uld a g0od c0ok c0ok if a g0od c0ok c0uld c0ok c0okies? A g0od c0ok c0ould c0ok as much c0okies as a g0od c0ok wh0 c0uld c0okies...
Bce kuat2!!..hehe.."

seventh n0te :

"~0nce in a lifetime u find a fren wh0 t0uches n0t 0nly ur heart but als0 ur s0ul. :P
~0nce in a lifetime u disc0ver s0me0ne wh0 stands beside u, n0t 0ver u .. :D
~0nce in a lifetime if u are lucky, u find s0me0ne as i have f0und u.. ;)
~very special pe0ple,we can 0urselves with,laugh with,h0pe with and believe with. :)

suddenly :')

suddenly he came . near beside me . f0r what ? i d0nt kn0w . i'm n0t expecting him .

Saturday, April 17, 2010

penad :")

>>penad berjalan . nh pun maseh keletihan . hanya mampu upl0ad pic jehh . itu pun curik dr FB adek . huu . :P

suddenly :')

here it g0es like this :
ab0ut past 3 0r 4 days bef0re . i 0pen my FB . then i saw there are 4 friends request . && siriusly . the unexpectd things c0me . haha . there is 0ne guy add me thr0ugh FB . he's my 0ld friend . && my firstly cinta m0nyet during i'm in f0rm 1 . bef0re im g0ing t0o MRSM . haha . sirius shitt laa . unexpected d0e . hehe . a little bit sh0ck . but i believe in myself && my pr0mises . wish me luck dear :P

Thursday, April 15, 2010

i'm tired :(

wahh . s0o tired having life like this . here i want t0 share with all 0f y0u . i've g0t 0ne friend . she's deeply in l0ve with her b0yfriend . even her br0yfriend had d0ne bad thing t0wards her . but she d0nt want leave dat b0y . i d0nt kn0w wat s0o special ab0ut dat b0y . act i'm fed up ab0ut her . all 0f my night always hear she's crying .and n0w she's d0ing a bad thing . she ate all pill juz bc0z t0 let her free fr0m her pr0blem . is dat sucks ?! and s0o f0ol . i hate dat . but i have t0o face it . she's s0o stubborn . i'm sick 0f her . but i'm daa 0nly 0ne pers0n dat cl0se t0 her . hurrmm . i'm s0o lucky dat i d0nt have a b0yfriend . if n0t . i will be like her n0w maybe . seriusly , my mind full . arghh ! depressed .

Sunday, April 11, 2010

l0osing :'(

0uhh g0d . give me strength t0o stand 0n my feet al0ne after this . i d0nt need him anym0re . i d0nt need him . i can stand 0n my feet even i kn0w i cant . i need strength fr0m u g0d . i need ur strength . 0uhh g0d ! i'm n0t ready l0osing him n0w . :'(

Thursday, April 8, 2010

ceritera . st0ry :)

0leh kerana br0adband cik mingle wat hal . kat cni cik mingle naa rangkumkan semua st0ry cik mingle yg igt dann rs perlu di k0ngsi . tp sh0rtsh0rt jehh laa . taa mampu naa cter detail . hehe :)

1. NAMA :)
- tajuk ini mesti ta pham kann . naa dijadikan cerita . ari rabu yg lepas . cik mingle dan kawan s0wg nh dlam kelas BEL260 . keje yg diberi sudaa siap . taa tahu ape g patut dilakukan . kami pun mule laa kejekeje seni kami . iaitu . cantuman nama . mcmmcm yang dicantumkan . tapi ade jehh yg taa kene . setelah penat bergelak sakan . kami jmpe jgak . hasilnyaa :)

2. LAGU :)
- ms tgh d0k gelakgelak pilih name nh . kawan cik mingle nh bagy laa dgr satu lagu nh . taa taw tajuk die ape . sebab k0rea . cik mingle mmg taa minat k0rea laa . tp based 0n lirik english die . cik mingle amek lirik t0o sbg muhasabah dlm diri .
it s0unds like this " I WILL WAIT F0R Y0U " . s0o cik mingle pkir cik mingle akan tggu plaster cik mingle . smpai die dtg . thanx t0o kawan cik mingle :)

- laast laa nh . hehe . revenge ? sape taw ? huhu . st0ry nh psal cik mingle balas dendam tuh kawan baek cik mingle . garagara encik itu . abes kawan cik mingle m0ody spnjang waktu tuhh . subjek nye CTU151 . t0pik psal cara pemakaian menurut islam . mmg laa bt0l taa bley pkai baju ketat . tp smpai kan ckp ketat yang taa bley naa nfas . sejujur nye cik mingle mmg terasa . kalau punn bt0l taa perlu laa menti0n smpai cm tuhh . isu sensitif k0tt . pndaipandai laa h0rmat . kesian kawan cik mingle nh . mungkin die terasa . encik itu mmg taa patut . ape laa . paham laa kami nh . mmg niat encik tuh hanya utk tujuan pelajaran . tapi taa perlu lebihlebih . akhirnya cik mingle balas dendam utk kawan baek cik mingle nh . tp yg encik tuh mnjawab dgn selamba jehh . taa ke die perasan yang cik mingle tujukan s0alan tuh dekat die . s0alan cik minge ; " ape pendapat kawankawan laa tntg perempuan yg bertudung labuh tapi melakukan perkara yang sama seperti perempuan yg pakai baju smpai taa ley nafas tuhh ? " . encik tuhh taa pasan k0tt . haha . en0ugh ! sensitip . pape punn . cik mamy mahinad bt mas iqbal . aku daa blas cash utk ka0 keyh . sabar ehh :D
nh lihat laa mcm mane ketat nye muke kawan cik mingle . huhu .

gelap :(

0lla . cik mingle here . hehe . maaf laa sudaa lame tidak mengupdate ini bl0g . br0adband wat hal laa plak ann . nh juz pkai wireless jaa . h0pe kuat laa . huhu . cume taa bley naa buka yah0o messenger plak jehh . tajuk entry kali ini sangat menarik :)

gelap ! kerana kawat pagy td . sudaa laa muke daa gelap sbb g kelas aryary . (kene panas laa) . nh kawat dary pagy smpai kul 1 td . mak aihh . cik mingle penat sgt w0o . naseb baek cik mingle bukan salah se0rang k0mander yg duduk kat tepi . haha . cik mingle kuat 0kea ! :P

mcm mane gelap tuhh ? mai kita lihat n0h . huhu :P

lihat taa garisan itu ? haha :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

st0p it ! :(

heyy cik mingle . st0p thinking ab0ut ur mr plaster . he's n0t y0urs . && w0uld n0t be y0urs ! remember dat ! s0o . i warn y0u st0p thinks dat he is y0ur plaster . can y0u ? can y0u ? he m0re thinks ab0ut her ex gf . cik mingle kn0w dat he really l0ve her gf . s0o . st0p it ! st0p it ! st0p it ! i hate it ! i hate it ! i hate it !

p/s-makcek ! :(

grab it ? :)

i nearly get my plaster . hehe . wh0 ? let it be secret first . plaster ! i want y0u . huhu . but better i keep silence && try harder . there's a l0t 0f time here . but i h0pe my plaster w0uld n0t run away until dat day c0me . here . i w0uld like t0 share with all 0f y0u . hear it && hit me back . i need y0ur 0pini0n :)

based 0n a c0nversati0n :

plaster : u . i naa kiss u bleyh ?
mingle : n0 way . mane bleyh .
plaster : nape taa bleyh ? i naa jgak .
mingle : f0r wat u naa kiss i ? i taa nak jgak . u jgn harap laa .
plaster : ala . plish u . i want it . urmm . u taa sayang i ann .
mingle : haha . u ni pehal ? aku sayang ka0 d0e . taa yaa naa pelik2 bley taa ?
plaster : tak ! u taa sayang i .
mingle : i sayang u laa . tp taa makne law i sayang u i kne bg u kiss i . kan ?
plaster : abis dulu president kiss u taa pe plak ann . i naa kiss u taa bg . asal ?
mingle : dulu mmg laa . president tuhh bf i . u juz kwn i jehh . taa lebih pun .
plaster : abes naa i jadi bf u laa . cm tuhh ?
mingle : maybe k0tt .
plaster : u .
mingle : yupp u .
plaster : u knal i bp lame daa ?
mingle : naa dkt stahun . np ?
plaster : tapi kte taa pnh jmpe ann . u . i naa kiss u jgak .
mingle : mane bley . taa bleyh laa .
plaster : u knl i lg lame dr u knl president kan ?
mingle : yupp .
plaster : even u kapel nan president u rapat nan i kan ?
mingle : yyupp .
plaster : n0w u daa break nan president sape yg teman u skang ? i kan ?
mingle : yupp . sume nye u .
plaster : s0o plish laa . i want it . i naa kiss u . i naa hug u . b0leyh kan ?
mingle : n0 !
plaster : sampai ati u .

we have been fwenz nearly 0ne year . but still n0t see each 0ther . juz c0ntacting thr0ugh text && f0n call . i d0 l0ve him since i kn0w he always there f0r me everytime . whether i'm in sad , epy , crying , angry . he always there . m0st 0f my free time i will spent f0r him . same g0es with him .

what is the meaning actually ? i want him as my plaster . sh0uld i ask him t0 be my plaster ? but i'm scared if he reject me . what sh0uld i d0 ? what ? i'm c0nfuse .

Sunday, April 4, 2010

where are y0u :(

where are y0u my plaster ? i need y0u ;(

heavy eyes ;)

i w0ke up t0day at 9.15 am . wahh ! s0o late . i g0t class 0n 10 am with miss hafizah . is there neough time f0r me t0 get prepared ? wahhh . stressed ! n0w this girl's eyes bec0me like a hamburger . why ? bc0z last nyte i'm crying . same g0es t0o with my r0mates . we g0t the same feeling . haha .

thanx g0d i have amir && adib t0 get me c0ol && relaxed . even i have t0 hear amir "membebel" . haha . thanx dear . ka0 mmg memahami aku .

n0w lets c0mpare my eyes with hamburger :)

he say :(

n0w i'm sitting on my chair . with my face full 0f tear dr0p . can any0ne explain wat ? i d0nt kn0w . suddenly he said this t0 me .

mRzinT 89: if u are alone..
mRzinT 89: i'll be your hadow,
mRzinT 89: if u want to cry
mRzinT 89: i'll be your shoulder
mRzinT 89: if u not happy..
mRzinT 89: i'll be your smile
mRzinT 89: if u need me..
mRzinT 89: i'll alwayz be there for u..
comey_zealous91: thanx f0r daa sweet talk .
comey_zealous91: i appreciate it .
mRzinT 89: i just want u know..
mRzinT 89: thai i just be there,,
mRzinT 89: just watch what u doing..
mRzinT 89: if u need me..
mRzinT 89: just come to me..

then have 0ne guy said this t0 me .

afifi putra: npe nie?
afifi putra: spe yg lukekan awk nie?
afifi putra: ckp nan syew
comey_zealous91: ntahh .
comey_zealous91: naa 0ut laa .
comey_zealous91: bye .
afifi putra: awak
afifi putra: cta la kt sy
afifi putra: nnt ley la release skit mood awk yg ta ok 2
comey_zealous91: taa taw laa .
comey_zealous91: rs naa ngs jehh .
afifi putra: jgn la cdey
comey_zealous91: taa ley naa h0ld daa .
afifi putra: npa?
afifi putra: mst ad bnd yg jdi an?
afifi putra: ala
afifi putra: jgn la ngis
afifi putra: awaak
comey_zealous91: taa taw .
afifi putra: awk
afifi putra: tamaw la ngis k
afifi putra: kwn sy sorg nie kn kuat
afifi putra: ok?
afifi putra: stop crying k
afifi putra: mahirah
afifi putra: ala
afifi putra: jgn la ngis da k
afifi putra: cheer up la lady
afifi putra: ok ta nie?
comey_zealous91: n0 .
afifi putra: npa nie
afifi putra: awk cita la kt syew
afifi putra is typing...

i still crying . and crying . it c0uld n0t st0p . wat happen t0 me ?

need it :(

gambar di sini sudaa menunjukkan segala nya . i want it . i want it :(

miss it :)

cari laa di mana saye . tp jgn gelak taww . hehe :P

Saturday, April 3, 2010

plaster :(

minutes pass minutes .
h0urs pass h0urs .
days pass days .
weeks pass weeks .
m0nths pass m0nths .
years pass years .

i need a plaster . f0r my heart . its bleeding n0w . hurt and injured .

text c0me fr0m y0u :(

i g0t a message s0unds like this :

"mkcek siriusly, i miss him :("

i'm sh0ck . t0tally sh0ck . wat happen t0 y0u syg ? i kn0w u were a str0ng gurl .
but n0w . wat happen t0 y0u ? u always advice me . but n0w l0ok at y0u . y0u are n0t as wat i'm think . makcek ! ily laa . g0 chase him even he left u behind . he f0rget dat u were exist syg . d0nt be like this syg . d0nt u care ab0ut me anym0re ??

makcek ! i l0ve y0u s0o fucking damn much laa :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

pabila .. :)

penah dgr taa ..
apabilaa .
tikus meminjam kasut gajah ?
pernah terbayang taa .
mcm mane rupe nye ?
lebih2 lagi dengan kelengkapan menembak .
cuba bayangkan ?
haha .
cube laa bayangkan .
pasti sangat kelakar .
huhu .
oleh itu mari hayati gambar ini .

credit to faeez for dat shoes . :)

he says :)

conversation between he and i :

he say : BA ALIP NGANG
i say : watever
he say : how could you ?
i say : u too .
he say : aku ta taw np aku rsau kat kao dowh .
i say : .........

wat shoul i do my dearest fwen ?