Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I miss the old You sayang ♥

I might not get to see you as often as I'd like, I may not get to hold you in my arms at night, but deep in my heart I know that it's true. No matter what happens, I will always love you.

Sometimes I think its time I let you go, and that is hard to do because part of me will be in love with you for the rest of my life.

 ♥ I love you

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Hold it against me ♥

Okea okea. Sam tsui nama dia. Sangat hensem kott. Ehemmm, minat nak search video pasal die datang dari arik saya laa. Mule mule mcm tak suke, lame lame. Adoiii, jatuhh hati daa. Nak tengok video die lagi search laa name die dekat youtube. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I think I like you ♥

You make my life crazy with full of laugh.
You have made it.
But I am not telling you the truth.
Let it be in silent mode 

Okea. I'm sick of it ♥

My status looks like i'm fed up right? Yaaa, i'm sick of it and i'm tired of it. Just let me breath normally like other people please. I need my life back. So please give it back to me. I really miss it.

Just let me do my on thing.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

You made my day happy ♥

So, tittle post show that I am happy right? For sure I am happy this night. Nothing can describe how happy I am.  I can't show my happiness with any words, any situation and anything. Because he really made my day happy.

When you were grow up, your love situation also will change. Why am I saying all this thing? Because I've feel it.
You feel like calls are more important than text-ing with your loved one. 
You feel like talking is the best thing for you and your loved one.

So tonight, he made it. I'm proud of him. Thank you sayang. 
Even you complain it, but you still call me. 
And I am very happy when he said 
" Mane pergi sayang you nh baby? " 
OMG sayang, Thanks for your concern.

♥ I love you sayang 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Seriously I feel sorry ♥

Holla, saya sudaa berada di rumah banting ku yang tercinta. Huhu. Sampai sahaja dirumah terus online twitter. Sepanjang bersama Maizatul Syuhada && Myra Atiqah, sangat susah laa untuk broadband ini jatuh ke tangan aku. Hurmm, tak pe laa. As long as they happy.

So, tittle post bunyi mcm sedih kan? Of course aku sedihh, sbb one of my favourite twitter chat, die punye twitter kene hack dengan kawan kawan die. HAHA. Thats awesome. But, pity of you laa, ka*****k. Tapi, hack yg you kene tuh memang fun laa, terkejut I dibuatnye okea. HAHA. Btw, after this jangan biar phone bersepah sepah atas meja or bagi orang pegang while you were chat. 

Yeahh, Now you got it ? 

After all, tweet with him makes my world become crazy. HAHA.
My beruang ? Of course I still love him with no doubt

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Terima kasih Maizatul Syuhada ♥

Tak nak cakap banyak laa .
Just terima kasih Maizatul Syuhada sebab menulis nama saya sepenuh - penuhnya .
Terharu giler bile kawan ingat nama kite walaupun masih baharu .

Tweet tweet make me crazy ♥

Keseronokkan ber-twitter menjadi jadi buat aku sejak akhir akhir nh. Sampaikan FB pun aku tak layan sangat. Dulu kalau on laptop jehh sure buka FB terus. Tapi sejak 2 minggu lepas, aku buka twitter kott. Masyukk sangat. Wa tak ramai kawan bhai yang nak tweet sama wa. Tapi cukup laa ade satu mamat nh rajin maentweet dgn wa. Tuh buat wa suka tuhh. Hee. 

Mamat tuh wa tak kenal pun. Wa kenal pun dari twitter nh jugak laa. Maen tweet dengan die selalu buat wa gelak. Sampai wa tak layan wa punye beruang gara gara nak tweet dgn mamat nh. Waa heaven gler rase. Hehe. Beruang wa pun mcm ade bnyak hal kene buat. So wa tak kacau die laa. Wa kacau mamat nh. Haha. Tapi wa tetap sayang wa punye beruang okea. 

Sape ade tweet add laa aku eh. Waa punye TWITTER.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ouhh my Dear ♥

Shitt ! This is damn ! I like it so much . Can I have this. OMG !

OMG ! I sat next to him a few hours ago ♥

 Fuhh, a few hours ago was my happy time. OMG! I like it. Its awesome and so many feelings inside my heart now. grr ! Tengok lah, bersemangat sampai update kat twitter lagi. HAHA. Yang dekat FB pun aku upload jugak. Baru update ade jeh orang dah like. HEHE. Thanx dyla and rex. Suzi pun tak kurang jugakk. siap gune account awin lagi. Adoii. Yang tak boleh blah tuh siap letak name orang tuh besar besar. Adoii, malu weyhh. Nasib si AL HAFIZ tuh tak de FB aku. Kalu ade malu laa. Grr suzi !

 Who that person that I sat next to him? Grr ! Guess it. Well, no need for you to guess it. Here this picture I share it with all of you. Why HIM ?

I adore his braveness , 
I adore his attitude ,
I adore his smile ,
I adore his talkative mouth . 
Thats the reason why I adore him. 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Nothing much that I can say ♥

Dear God, please show me the way, can you explain to me why there is so many changes in himself ?
I am tired with this game. Can you make this game end? 
If he meant to be with me, please stay with us as our strength.
If he not meant to be with me, then give me your full strength.
I do need you in my daily life. 

One and only reason that I can say is only,
I love you so much as much as I do sayang  ♥

But I'm gonna love you like I've never been hurt before 
  I'm gonna love you like I'm indestructible 
 Your love is ultra magnetic and it's taking over
  This is hardcore
 And I'm indestructible 

Robyn - Indestructible ♥

Robyn - Indestructible

You hurt me again ♥

Please don't hurt me any more. I'm sick and tired with it. As what you said, I'm fed up with you. Don't make my love for you fade away just like that . 

Dinner ANUM ♥

Yeahh , with the joy and happiness I update this blog. Why ? Cause we are ADORABLE baby. haha . whats the point now ?

Saja nak berkongsi cerita tentang event ANUM, last friday. Dinner with the nerdy and rainbow theme. That night was awesome sangat. Can we repeat it again ? grr !

So this is me :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I promise that would be the last time ♥

Sekarang jam menunjukkan 2.38am. Tapi aku masih tak dapat nak lelapkan mata lagi. Final nak dekat, test dah banyak, asignment pula melambak. Tapi masa untuk meng-update kisah masih ada ya. Daripada kau menghabiskan masa di ruangan ini better you Noor Mahirah go study now. But I cant make it. 

By the way, I have some Idiot things to be shared. I called it idiot because its really idiot things done by Noor Mahirah binti Masdar. Haihhh. Ape pandangan korang if seseorang itu telan  satu papan panadol dan 5 biji pil selseme. Sure orang akan cakap, budak nh nak mati punya. Haha. Ini lah yang terjadi pada diri aku. Aku tak malu nak berkongsi dengan korang semua, sebab aku nak jadikan ini teladan buat korang semua. Korang, tolong jangan lakukan ini even korang under heavy depression sekalipun. 

Antara sebab aku buat kerja kerja tuh ? Kerana asignment yang melambak, test yang kerap muncul, final yang semakin dekat, harapan ibuabah yang tinggi, dan macam macam lagi laa. Hurmm, plus dengan additional problem lagi. Akhirnya terjadi lah perbuatan tersebut. Kesannye ? Haaaa, akibat daripada tindakan bodoh aku tu, pagi tu aku rasa macam nak pitam, semua yang aku nampak ade dua, kaki dah menggeletar, tangan yang sentiasa menggeletar tak berhenti. Dengan muntah yang berpanjangan. Sumpah sangat siksa.

Jadi, korang jangan lah buat tindakan sebegitu. Even orang cakap banyak lagi cara untuk lepaskan stress. Tapi bila terjadi situasi tersebut pada diri kau, if tak dapat kawal minda, mungkin itu lah cara yang kau akan gunakan. So Mahirah, promise that you wont repeat the same mistake again and again.

I promise that I wont repeat it again and again.

by the way, special thanks to Ima, Myra, Mai, Toko, Aziela, Dayana, Didi, Syira and mereka yang membantu saya. I love you. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Happy 6 months ♥

The one and only thing that I know from 6 October 2010 until now is I need you and I want you in my daily life. I don't care if you treat me badly, or hardly, as long as you love me as much as I do.
And one thing that I most afraid everyday in my daily life is I am afraid of loosing you even in a second. 
I love you Muhammad Amirul Asri 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Timetable is one of the thing I like ♥

Ehem, ehem, testing 1 2 3. haha. Woww wowww ! I like my schedule next semester. I'm gonna die because of that timetable. Heh ! Why ? I can't explain. Just look at it by yourself.
MGT tak masuk lagi nh.

Macam ini lah jadual nye. So thank you. I do very like it. 

Fighthing is worth it ♥

So , lets fight sayang