Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

imy laa ;)

Each time i miss you ,

A star falls down from the sky ,

So if you looked up at the sky ,

And found it dark with no stars ,

It's all your FAULT ,

You made me miss you too much !

tag cuwikk again :D

Rules :
Its's harder than it looks ***
Copy to yor own notes***
Erase my answers***
Enter yours and tag five (5) people.....
Use the FIRST LETTER of your name to answer each of the following questions***
They have to be real***
Nothing made up.....
If the person before u had the same first initial, you must use different aswers.....
You cannot use any words twice***
You can't use your name for the boy/girl name question***
1. What is your name : Mahirah ..
2. A four letter word : Mona ..
3. A boy's name : Ma ..
4. A girl's name : Mira ..
5. An occupation : Menjahit ..
6. A colour : Merah ..
7. Something you wear : Mafla ..
8. A food : Mehun ..
9. Something found in the bathroom : Mentol ..
10. A place : Malaysia ..
11. A reason for being late : Makan ..
12. Something you shout : Miss you !
13. A movie tittle : Man ..
14. Something you drink : Milo ais ..
15. A musical group : Mentor ..
16. An animal : Mengkarung ..
17. A street name : Mahogani ..
18. A type of car : Mazda ..
Tag to :
Faiqah ..
Nadhirah ..
Kak Tyra ..

men"Download" ..

haha . keseronokan mendownload sudaa menguasai diri aku . nh idea bobo syg laa . aisehh . gian gian gian . mcm tgh smoke pulaa . opppss !! pernah kee ?? tidakk ! huhu . ape yg aku download ??

music :
1. nothin' on you .
2. airplanes .
3. OMG .
4. california girls .
5. break your heart .
movies :
1. ironman (pehh . lame kott )
bermula pada jam 12 pm . smpai laa skang . haha . atas katil sahaje . taa bergerak mane2 punn . lunch , mnum ptang . dinner . supper . haha . sume aku langgar . solat ? tidak laa . nnt ibu bising . hehe . naa pegi beli tiket bas pn kene tunda gara gara naa download nh . haha .

Sunday, May 23, 2010

lovy dubby ;)

1. All I care about is being with you forever .
2. All the gold and diamond in the world are not enough to buy the love I have for you .
3. God created you just for me .
4. I am addicted to your love .
5. I am crazy about you .
6. I can't live without you .
7. I can't stop thinking about you .
8. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings .
9. I feel safe when I am with you .
10. Don't wake me up from this wonderful dream with you .

i wishh ...

hurmm . tadi dlam kete mase drive alek pehhh ! punye laa bnyk aku bercakap . smpai hanyut aku drive taw . naseb baek taa de pape . huhuu . bercakap dgn siape ? aduhhh . sowang2 jaa . kesian sayee . makcek sbelaa tengok . kesian budak nh . haha . komfem punye die ckp mcm tuh . ape yg aku ckap kann ? pehh . banyak sgt . i wish i could say that to .......

ouhh God ! aku harap aku mampu berkata-kata sebegitu di hadapan die . tapi . taa sampai niat ku . taa termampu aku katakan . taa tersampai hatiku . aduhaiii . haha . mcm bermadah jehh . aisehhh .

(comelnye saye rupenye . haha . nak gak bangge sejupp . nh mase drive . kawan2 jngn tiru . BAHAYE ! )

anyway . saye sgt gumbira dpt bergelak ketawa dgn adek saye . Noor Marahaini Mahfuzah , gembira setelah tidak lame berbual dengan kamu . along rindu adek lorhh .

Shahidan Firdaus , jgn laa amek ati dgn ape yg adek saye ckp kan itu . die mmg seperti itu . tapi taa mungkin die akan buad seperti ape yg die ckapkan . saye kenal adek saye itu . sbenarnye die sayang kamu . NO DOUBT ! (kata nya) hee .

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ouhh !

not again ! lemah lemah bdan laa plakk . jgn demam sudaa . tp nmpk nyee mcm iyee . adeihh .

taa suke ! taa suke ! taa suke ! aisehh .

tadii ade .. skang ... :(

selepas beberapa jam die text aku . sempat laa bergurau . now die ilang alek . mcm biskut pulaa .
tadii adee . skarang taa dee .
ouhh God !
i miss himm so damn muchh !

am i ?

am i needed ?

Friday, May 21, 2010

pesanan :)

..Be humble but not timid..
..Be assertive but dont be arrogant..
p/s-thanx to my beshfwenz

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

tag cuwik ! ngee :)

1)name anda sape ?full name
2)what your name bf/gf ?
3)sayang sape dlm dunia ni ?
4)kalau marah buat ape ?
5)5 or 6 top friend anda sape ?
6)anda ade ape slaen myspace ?
7)kt skolah/kolej ade minat sape2 tak ?
8)ex bf/gf dlu sape ? syg die lg tak .
9)ade ape dgn cinta anda ?
10)kate2 trakhir anda tok question ni ?
BONUS Questions : tag kepada ?

pabilaaa buhsann :P


siape punye ?

siape kenal baju nhh ? haha . tadi belek belek laptop . n terjumpe this pict meyh .

act naa tunjuk baju tuhh .

kepada tuan punye baju . nnt saye pulang yee . hee . ari tuhh naa bagi . tp baju nh menyorok pulakk . die taa nak ikott awak laa . hahaha .

Monday, May 17, 2010

kesian ouhh ! :(

garagara abah taa balek . taa de laa supp . naa harap aku buad ? maaf laa . sila cube sebentar lagi . haha . dahh tuhh . goreng ikan punn terlalu garing . kesian adek adek aku tuhh makan ikan sambal yg keras . 0uhh tidak ! aku benci memasak . but i have to say i love cooking tuhh . hrmm . taa cukup dengan tuhh . adek adek aku bley plak complain aku goreng telur mcm buad roti canai . ouhh damnn ! hebad tuhh bley buad roti canai . haha .
taa ckup dngn masalh memasak nh . bley plak mak aku lupe gosok baju adek . jam plak daa menunjukkan pukul 2.15 . ouhh tidak . lari lari lari . gosok baju . tgh rush rush gosok . jari aku terasa pnas plakk . OMG ! knape iron nh atas jari aku ?? waaaa ! naseb taa panas sgt . kalu taa confirm terbakar . andd kurang RM2000 . hahaa .
hari ini sangat malang woo . now bru naa rehat . tp ade bnyk kerja pulakk . adeihh . tp yg penting . cr projek tuhh skang . s0k naa bagi kt someone . important ! haha .

saket ! :(

saket kaki !
saket kepale !

surprise !

new y0rk cheese fr0m SC laa .
p/s-thanx to bobo saye dan mirol ehh .

Sunday, May 16, 2010

i'm happy t0o .

aku buka myspace ka0 . aku nmpk status ka0 eppy sgt . aku cemburu . tp aku sgt sgt epy utk kao .akhirnye kao di punyai oleh seseorang jugak . aku taa mampu naa ckp ape daa . yg penting aku nmpk kegembiraan kao . so kao daa taa perlu aku lagi kann . wlau kao taa ckp . tapi ak taw weyh .

status : she's bright my world ! new life new future with new destination ! and come's with new spirit !
mo0d :farahain !

anyway . i wish u happy all the time . thanx for everything yg kao bagi masa aku perlukan . thanx sbb mencari aku waktu kao buhsan . thanx mlayan karenah aku masa aku memerlukan seorang teman even aku taw kao taa ske . thanx for the maki . even kasar gler . tp aku mampu bertahan kott . klaw orang laen myb daa nangis . thanx utk sgale2 nye .

last kao contact aku . kao ckp cm nh :
" weyh . kao pegy mane ? asyik hilang jehh . i kol taa angkat . msj taa blas . ingat daa mati popuan nh . papepun kao sehad taa ? aku cari kao dowh . risau pulak aku weyh . ntah tetibe aku rndu kao . aku pun taa taw cm ne aku bley rndu budak bodohmcm kao nh . dahh laa . take care . text i taw . i tunggu "
sowi laa time nh i lyan u mcm nak taa nk jehh . i mintak maaf .


Thanx sbb selalu ade dgn aku waktu aku susah n senang . thanx jugak jd kawan aku dlm tempoh stahun nh . even kite taa pnh berjmpe kan . bile naa stone nnt kawal okea . jgn ckp maen lpas jehh .

mistakes .

Friday, May 14, 2010

what to do ?

n0thing t0 d0 .
duduk n duduk n duduk sahaje di rumah .
0ut n out n out . tp naa pegy mane ?
sleep n sleep n sleep . nnt bdan kembang .
walk n walk n walk . pendadd meyhh .
dream n dream n dream . berangan jeh taww .
eat n eat n eat . gem0k laa d0wh .
what t0 d0 ??s
eems like i'm all al0ne n0w .

Thursday, May 13, 2010

FIRST award !:D

My FIRST award . thanx t0 Nadhirah . hehe .


1 . tentang perlawanan kawad formasi komander pada 4 , 5 , 6 jun nh . di UiTM Shah Alam . (dijemput hadir taw sume ) . sempat ke naa buad latihan ? wah . jauh lagi dr Bobo . hurmm
2 . makcek saye in pr0blems . h0w d0 i help her ? she needs me . i kn0w . i try my best for her . imy makcek .
3 . ouhh ! tidak tertahan lagi rindu aku dkt die . even skang kami daa dekat . hurmm . need to see him immediately !

1. Abah , Ibu , Mara dan sara
2 . B0b0 saye .
3 . Makcek saye .

"bobo gemok"

Nikon DSLR . haha . die yg janji kan . bukan saye mintak . kan bobo ? hee .

1 . makcek saye .
-banyak liku-liku idup die yg sye tahu . kerana sgt susah nak mengharapkan die bercerita ketika kejadian itu berlaku .
2 . nadhirah .
-universal . macam macam . suke bace kisah die di sekolah . dan BLM die tuhh . haha .
3 .ridhwan .
-gambar yg digunakan sgt cantik . smart . posisi dan stle gambar itu diambil . ayat ayat die juge sedap didengar .
-sesape sahaja :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

tagged by makcek :)

(what is your full name?)
(when is your birthday?)
.28 JUNE 1991.
(what is your father name?)
(what is your mother name?)
(how many your siblings?)
(where is your house?)
(what is your favourite colour?)
(still studying?)
(do you have bestfriend?)
(do you love them?)
(jazz or pop?)
(chicken or beef?)
(coke or 100plus?)
(what brand is your purse)
(how much do you have in your mallet now?)
(high heels or flat)
(skirts or jeans?)
(shirt or blause)
(watch or bracelet?)
(favourite watch's brand?)
(do you have girlfriend?)
(do you have a boyfriend?)
(did you love her)
(did you ever kiss him?)
(facebook or myspace?)
(what is your dream?)
(who i wanna tag??)

n0 m0re ...

.fr0m n0w 0n .
.n0 m0re faceb0ok .
.i repeat .
.why ?
.its because of my own reas0n .
.but maybe i'll be back again .
.if necessary .
.d0nt ask me why .
.i repeat .

taa faham .

"kalau korang nk crik pasangan cari yg btol2 setie tau....jangan main2 hahhahahahaaaaaaaaaaa.........."
memula aku nmpk ayat nh . sumpaa taa pham ape . ape maksud orang nh yee ? aku jmpe ayat nh kt FB sumone . nmpk mcm die tgh perli . taa pun die ckp berdasarkan dari pengalaman kann . tapi nasihat die perlu diberi perhatian jugaa . sbb bt0l laa . skang nh naa cari pasangan perlu yg btol2 setia . klau setakat naa maen maen . ataw try and error jehh mane boleyh . kejam laa mcm tuhh . sangat tidak berhati perot kott . hehe . saye ? hurmm . taa tahu laa mcm mane .
biar laa si dia saje yg tahu . dan juge rakan terdekat saye shja . rahsia meyh . naa taw tunggu la .

0uhh tidak !

"tringg!" bunyi f0n aku . tande nye ade mesej masuk . lihat name .

UiTM-K0m Syira

mesej berbunyi :

"perhatian kepda semua k0mander yg tlbt dgn kem pmntpan komandr....mklumat tntg kem,list brang g perlu dbawa, dan snarai nma peserta b0leh ditrujuk di blog komander *(abaikan faeb0ok sbtar) n klik . perjumpaan akan diadakn pd 9hb mlm . sebarkan..!! amanah dr YDP" .

smpai jeh bilik farhana tr0s buka bl0g tuh .

wahh ! daa maju laa . haha . s0wi yee penulis blog mpkk yee . hee . terkutuk sket . hurmmm . info maklumat pasal kem laa rupenye . uwaaa . kem w0oo . uwaaa . nmpk cam beshh k0tt aktiviti diee . ngee . thanx K0mander HAfiz dan K0mander Atiqah bt M0hd Jamil . taa sabar nyee .

siap dibahagikan kumpulan lagi . nmpk nye 43 0rang j0in . ramai gak laa . siri 7 dan siri 8 . BERGABUNG ! yeahhh ! nmpk nye aku termasuk dalam kumpulan B laa . saye ulang yee . KUMPULAN B 0kea ! saye bersama dgn abang saye laa . then besfwenz baek saye juga laa . ser0n0k nyee . saye ulang lagi . SERONOKNYE ! .

tapi malangnye . ku sangkakan panas berpanjangan tapi hujan di tengah ari . wahaha . bermadah pula . waaa . sangat kejam w0oo . huaaaa . ibu . teng0k laa di0wng nh . sampai ati di0wng kann . kejamm kann .

Friday, May 7, 2010


Oh, why you look so sad ?
Tears are in your eyes ,
Come on and come to me now ,
Don’t be ashamed to cry ,
Let me see you through ,
’cause I’ve seen the dark side too ,
When the night falls on you ,
You don’t know what to do ,
Nothing you confess ,
Could make me love you less ,
I’ll stand by you ,
I’ll stand by you ,

Won’t let nobody hurt you ,
I’ll stand by you ,

So if you’re mad, get mad ,
Don’t hold it all inside ,
Come on and talk to me now ,
Hey, what you got to hide ?
I get angry too ,
Well I’m a lot like you ,
When you’re standing at the crossroads ,
And don’t know which path to choose ,
Let me come along ,
’cause even if you’re wrong ,
I’ll stand by you ,
I’ll stand by you ,

Take me in, into your darkest hour ,
And I’ll never desert you ,
I’ll stand by you ,

And when...
When the night falls on you, baby
You’re feeling all alone ,
You won’t be on your own ,
I’ll stand by you ,
I’ll stand by you ,

Thursday, May 6, 2010

0ne w0rd



epy bufdayy ! :D

.Didoakan sem0ga panjang umur dan murah rezeki.
.Semoga ape yg dihajati di kabulkan.
.Harap hrap berbahagia dgn AMIRUL FARHAN yee.
.Thanx f0r being my Friend.
.I LOVE YOU laa.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

mimpi 0uh nightmare :(

setiap malam mimpi yg lebeyh kurang same . bukan lebeyh kurang laa . mmg same pun . ketakutan smpai menggigil nh . mak pesan sebelum tid0w basuh kaki . aku daa buad k0tt . tp tetap same . smpai aku rase kaki nh daa buhsan kene basuh jehh tiap mase . ahha ! sempat agy naa gurau an . biase laa lpas 0ncall tr0s laa td0w . bile naa mimpi jeh time bile terlelap pun taa perasan . kalau naa td0w kdang kdang punye laa susah . hurrmm . bile daa bangun mule laa pandang sane . teng0k sini . bnde yg c0mm0n nmpk mcm aneh seket . bile sedar jehh tr0s capai f0n . naa rep0rt . tp nnt msti kene . "alaa . mainan td0w jeh tuhh . daa basuh kaki bl0m ?" . taa punn . "hahaha . tu pun tak0t " . gara gara taa nak kne gelak s0o taa pyah laa rep0rt . hehe . segan . nnt mule laa . dpt tittle "MENGADA-NGADA" . ahha ! tibe tibe terpandang wallpaper f0n . fuhhhh . lega sket . tenang ati nh . haha . sape laa kann jd ubat pelali aku tuhh .

m0ral st0ry kt sini . bef0re td0w make sure badan tuh bersih . kaki basuh bersih bersih . yg paling utama skali . bace d0a sebelum td0w tuhh . nh tidak . asyik bace name die jehh . k0mfem laa td0w kene kaca0 . haha .

tagged by makcek syg :)

Sila Melengkapkan Tuntutan Dimana.......

1.G kt korg nye folder my pictures,tengok folder gambar korg yg ke 8

2.Ambil gambar yg ke 8 dalam folder tu...

3.Postkan kt korg punye blog dan citekan kisah gambar tu....

hurmm . pic nh ? aku taa taw ape pasal gambar nh . sebab nh f0lder adek saye . tp saye tahu seket seket laa . gamber nh mase kami keluar ke KL . adek naa pegy Jln TAR . beli barang tuk cheerleader die . saye pergi midvalley . adek pegy jln jln dgn kawan die . dlm gambar tuh yg saye kenal shida jehh . yg pkai tudung selaen adek saye . thats all .

4. Pastu,korg suh la 8 org yg len wat...

i'm sorry :(

0uhh g0d ! i'm s0 s0rry . fr0m deep inside my heart i'm verry s0rry . please f0rgive me .

n0taa laa :D

smile with teeth (^.^)

Monday, May 3, 2010

i see y0u hurt :(

i see y0u hurt . means i hurt t0o makcek . i hate t0o see y0u hurt makcek . wh0se thas cruel pe0ple that hurt y0u syg ? tell me . h0w c0uld they hurt y0u . n0w . i'm here makcek . i'm here f0r y0u .

zipp0 gathering laa :D

time : ar0und 1 pm .
place : taman astak0na KLCC .
attend by : apis , ecam , ajid , al0ng , adk angkat ayue , adib 2 , adeep 1 , ayumi , ayue , m0na .

pada mule nye gathering nh nmpk dull laa . sbb berape 0rang jehh yg datang . agak bengang gak laa . dlm ms ckp lebeyh naa dtg . tp taa ade punn . aduhh . k0runk nh . bt0l bt0l laa . hurmm . apis agak bengang laa kt sini . naseb laa ade ajid dgn adib 2 . agak bising gak laa suasana . huhu . mule mule aku nan adeep 1 jmpe dulu . then kami jalan jalan sejupp smntare tunggu yg laen . then jmpe plak dgn apis , ayumi , ajid . lepak kt mcD japp . tman apis mkan . tetibe f0n aku bunyi . adib 1 text . die s0h aku jmput die kt lrt bwh . ad0i . menapak laa aku nan adeep 1 nh . naseb ade teman . hehe . kesian k0tt kt die . hehe . thanx uu . ngee . daa jmput adib 2 kami pun gerak laa kt d0me KLCC . tunggu yg laen laen . jmpe laa apis , ayumi , ajid lagi skali . tunggu punye tunggu . kami berniat naa grak jalan jalan dulu .

then smpai laa kt taman nh . lepak sejupp . apis dpt bnyk gler f0n calling dr bebudak zipp0 . tp s0wg pun taa dtg . aisehh . bikin gempak jehh k0runk . last last smpai laa ayue nan adek angkat die . 0kea laa . ramai gak laa . then ecam k0l . die ade kt jmbatan tuhh . w0aaa ! gerak lagi laa pergi dkt ecam . penad penad penad . hehe . wuuu .

daa penad and rase panas yg agak melampau . ecam s0h gerak makan dlu . kami pun pergi laa f0odcourt kt ats tuhh . d0k lepak lepak . b0rak b0rak . get t0 kn0w each 0ther . table aku ade ayumi , apis , ajid , adib 2 , adeep 1 , aku , mr b0b0 . mmg pecah per0t laa time nh . everyb0dy l0oking at us . huhu . ayumi laa gelak tahap gler gler punye . nh angkara ajid dgn adib 2 laa . aisehh . mak abah nh . penad anak anak nh gelak tgk gelagat mak dgn abah taw . haha .

lepas makan makan kami punn ade laa buad sket ph0t0sh0t . thanx t0o al0ng yee . hehe . sangat beshh 0uhh . nway sgt besh 0uhh gathering nh . even seket jehh 0rang yg dtg kann . tp sumpa best gler . h0pe ade 2nd gathering . dann paling besh laa .